8-Week Intermediate 5k 

Ready to get a PR in your next 5k? This 8-week intermediate plan has 4 runs, 1 strength training workout and 1 mobility day each week. There is a mix of treadmill and outdoor runs, so make sure you have access to a treadmill. I would recommend having somewhat of a base prior to starting this plan: about 3 weeks of running 10+ miles. The strength training in this plan is all runner-specific and helps you to improve the power in your stride and prevent injury. Each week, you’ll know exactly which type of workout to do, and on which day to do it. Stick to the plan, and you’ll be crossing that finish line in no time! 

Each week

  • 4 runs (Outdoor & treadmill, 30-60 mins)

  • 1 runner-specific strength training workout (weights and bodyweight) 

  • Runner-specific warm-ups to prevent injury and improve efficiency 

  • 1 mobility workout - improve flexibility and range of motion

Equipment needed: running shoes, treadmill, mat, kettlebell (optional to use dumbbells for some kettlebell exercises), resistance bands, yoga block, foam roller, and a bench or box.

Level: Intermediate 

Additional details: This plan is on the higher side in terms of volume, so be sure to average about 4 runs each week (10+ miles) for 3 weeks before starting it. The workouts gradually increase in terms of duration and intensity and the program brings you to a taper at the end. For the strength training portion of this plan, you can substitute the kettlebell with a dumbbell for most movements if you don’t have one. You can also use any of the audio-guided runs for your outdoor endurance runs if you’re looking for a little extra guidance.

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