Beginner Flexibility & Mobility
If you’re new to mobility, this 3-week plan is a great place to start! Each week, you’ll have 3 workouts programmed to help you increase flexibility and improve your range of motion. Why mobility? Mobility improves your overall movement capacity; in daily movements, while running, and when strength training. The stronger your movement capacity, the easier everything else gets. Why flexibility? It’s important for circulation and blood flow. Flexibility also imroves your muscle’s ability to consume oxygen when you move.
Each week you will have:
3 mobility and flexibility workouts (mostly bodyweight)
Equipment needed: yoga block, foam roller, mini resistance bands and a mat.
Level: beginner
Additional details:
Week 1 workouts: Beginner Flexibility Circuits, Newbies: Mobility and Flexibility & Hamstrings and Hips
Week 2: Runners: Stronger Range, Recovery Day, & Beginner Mobility Flows
Week 3: New to Mobility, Mobility: Hips, Glutes, and Adductors, & Loosen up the Glutes and Hips
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