Stronger Strides

This six-week strength training plan is great for runners who want to prevent injuries, improve mobility, and improve strength and power while running.

Each week you have: 

  • 2 strength training sessions per week (30-50 mins each): Focused on unilateral movements, plyometrics, stability, core work, and power exercises tailored for runners.

  • 1 mobility day per week (15-30 mins): Dedicated to enhancing hip joint strength, adductor flexibility, thoracic spine mobility, hamstring flexibility, IT band and knee pain prevention, and ankle strength.

Equipment needed:

You will need a kettlebell (Can be substituted with dumbbells), resistance bands, a box or bench, and a mat. For any barbell movement, you can substitute with kettlebells or dumbbells.


This plan is designed to accommodate a wide range of athletes, from intermediate to advanced. Even beginners can adjust their weight depending on their level.

You can complete the workouts whenever you want throughout your existing running schedule. A lot of these movement are what you see on my Instagram!

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