Ultimate Strength Plan

This is a great plan for an advanced-level athlete who has experience with weight training, but is looking for more structure, variety, and accountability in terms of programming. You can use this program if you’re a runner, or not a runner. All the workouts are geared toward: gaining lean muscle mass to increase bone and joint strength, and improve range of motion and flexibility through mobility exercises. The variety of the exercises in these workouts is my favorite part of the plan: plyometrics (jumps), core work, barbell and kettlebell exercises, bilateral and unilateral strength training, and so much more! 

Each week you will have

  • 3 strength training workouts (30-50 mins) (core, barbell, kettlebell, lower/upper body, bodyweight, plyometrics)

  • 1 mobility day: flexibility and range of motion (all bodyweight) 

Equipment needed: mat, kettlebells, barbell, plates for the barbell if you want to add weight, a bench or box, resistance bands, and optional dumbbells to modify kettlebell/barbell movements. 

Level: advanced 

Additional details: If you’re looking to put more variety into your existing strength training, this plan is a great place to start. The movements in this program are different each day and the best part about it is that it’s programmed for you so that you know exactly which type of workouts to do, and on which day to do them. I love mixing up barbell movements with core work and kettlebell exercises. You never get bored, and it constantly keeps your body alert by moving in different planes of motion and movement patterns.

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